Request a Reliance Visa card. We’ll deliver it to you or you can pick it up whenever you’re ready. Reliance offers you a reliable banking experience. Need to pay some bills, pay a business or send money to a friend? Reliance money transfer makes it possible. Request a debit card, pick it up or have it delivered to you. Activate it in minutes, and start using it right away. Need to manage your money with ease? Manage your money, make payments and pay bills all from our banking mobile app. Have a failed transaction or unreversed debits? Log disputes within your app, and monitor them till you get a full refund. Reliance uses up-to-date cybersecurity technology to protect your information and prevent unauthorized use. We are fully licensed by the CBN, and your funds are insured by the Nigerian Deposit Insurance Corporation. We’re always here to talk. Reach our support team – by phone, email, in the app, or check out the help center. Scan QR code with your phone to download the App Get Reliance ATM Card
Bank with Reliance
Instant Debit cards that always work
One App for all your banking needs
Resolve dispute like never before
Secure Banking, with round the clock support
State-of-the-art security
Protection and peace of mind
Anytime, anywhere support
Download mobile App to
Open & activate your account